sup, anythin you wanna show us?

for the first time sicne i joined
i'll do a Q&A

rules: you ask me questions, and i'll answer them

it can't be too personal, it can't be sexual and it can't be spam

[4 HEALS!!!] Murder time trio phase 2
hard, precise, and F*CK YOU PHANTOM PAPYRUS!!!!!!!his section is a pain to say the least, ask @SaltyLily about it, it probably ruined many of their nohit att...

i literally beat murder time trio phase 2 with only 4 heals and didn't record it...

which do you think is better?
my old pfp, or my new?

(both were made by @Nightmare_Funtime_Tails )

  23 votes Voting finished

this game is literally insane ;-;

samsaratale phase 2 best attempt
and i thought catastrophe was actual hell...#undertale #undertalefangame #undertaleau #megalovania #sans


(600 follower post)

for once, i doubt im going to regret it

just wanted to say, and i wont say this again, if you still bother greenstar then you don't have a life, no one gives a shit if you hate her, its over, and no one wants to hear it

which of my OC's design would you consider official? (aka how he looks canonically)

option 1: @Manic0626 (aka the first art)
option 2: @Nightmare_Funtime_Tails (second art, and she made the OG art)
option 3: Dain (he is banned, but drew plenty versions)

  27 votes Voting finished

hey there, welcome to my community, unlike my other community, this one's more about me

i've seen plenty of ppl do the same, like @PlushAleenathefox , and some others, so i thought i'd do the same

anyways, the rules are kinda the same as my other community, keep content related, no NSFW blah blah blah
friends and fans alike can join if they want to, but im not forcing anyone

DO note that you get 3 chances, break rules 3 times = permament block from the community

and also i'd reccomend you follow the ppl mentioned in my bio, they are awesome

my other community, that is about FNAS content:

@Goldenexe1 's community:

Report A community for 6 months